Section: Software


Participants : Nathann Cohen [correspondant] , David Coudert, Leonardo Sampaio.

Developed in Python, Cython, and C++. N. Cohen wrote more than 180 patches and N. Cohen, D. Coudert and L. Sampaio reviewed more than 120 others for inclusion in Sage.

Sagemath is a free open-source mathematics software aiming at becoming an alternative to Maple and Matlab. Initially created by William Stein (Professor of mathematics at Washington University), Sagemath is currently developed by more than 180 contributors around the world (mostly researchers). It has currently more than 200 MB of source code and the graph module consists of 40,000 lines. It was initially of interest for Mascotte because of its large library in Combinatorics and Graph Theory. This year, impressive improvements have been made to this library. In particular, N. Cohen contributed a lot into the following: 1) implementation of a generic interface between Sage and existing (Mixed Integer) Linear Program solvers, 2) implementation of exact algorithms for common Polynomial/NP-Complete graph problems, often through the use of Linear Programs, and 3) improving Sage's documentation by participating to the writing of a french manual on the use of Sage with 10 other french scientists. New patches are in preparation in the group for possible inclusion in Sage.

Sage's Graph and Linear Programing libraries are currently used by Mascotte members to test algorithms or compare their performances, as well as to prove/disprove theoretical conjectures and for teaching purposes in the Master IFI, stream UBINET.